Oral History Projects
With the support of community partner, Copperleaf Senior Living, PCHS is proud to be adding to our digital collections with oral histories from the people in our community. Each interview is indexed, with a searchable transcript so you can easily hear the stories you're most interested in.
Collection 1
Our first project features interviews with trailblazing women and men who changed the course of women's athletics in Portage County, as coaches, players, and parents. These interviews highlight the close-knit fabric of our community as well as the tenacity, dedication, and passion of the women who wanted to play. All told, this collection will contain 10 histories, from people including Sheila Miech, Judie Janquart, Nancy Page, Janel McCarville, Ron Blaha and Kelly Beadles, Carrie Diamond, Mike Olson, and Kent Hall.
Listen to the full interview!
If you'd like to listen through the history from start to finish, just hit play.
Index and Transcript
If you're short on time, select the Index tab to the right of the video player to see a quick overview of the topics discussed.
Search Bar
Do you want to hear about Title IX specifically, or about stories from UWSP or SPASH? Just type your term into the search bar and it will highlight it in both the index and transcript.
How to use the
Aviary Interface